Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Antibiotics and decreased immunity

Facts about antibiotics you may not know

Antibiotics do not work on viral infections. They only work against bacterial infections.
Antibiotics destroy natural immunity
Your child may develop infections that are antibiotic resistant.

One sneeze from your child's nose is enough to set you off. What if  this is malaria? what if this is dengue? Our creative brain is in full swing. We end up waiting in a doctors clinic, among other parents with sick kids to make matters worse. I'm not here to undermine the efficiency of doctors or modern medicine. Allopathy is certainly helpful in life saving situations and That is why doctors are revered.But sadly, some doctors prescribe too many antibiotics for kids for all kinds of illness .

The reason probably is the vagueness in diagnosis based on symptoms. We trust the doctor and if his treatment fails, he's the person in trouble. This is why some of the doctors choose the safest route. Prescribe Antibiotics  for everything.

Not to mention the bottles of paracetamol that comes in all colours and flavours.

My first son had a tiny bump on his head when he was just 7 days old. We were worried first time parents and rushed to a supposedly busy top notch Pediatrician.He prescribe an antibiotic drops for my 7 day old baby. Our instincts told us to check with another doctor and wait before jumping on the medicine.We did not want to damange our little son's immunity soon after he was born.It turned out that the bump was a small bulge in his head formed due to natural birthing and it was gone a few days later.

Before jumping to conclusions take some time to evaluate your child sickness and its cause.If it appears like a common cold or a simple stomach upset, home remedies will do.
I have hardly given my sons any paracetamols ,painkillers ( yes it's written post vaccination on your prescription.Please read labels before buying.Ibuprofen is a common pain killer) and antibiotics.

I will share a simple recipie of a home remedy for common cold.This works best if you start giving the medicines soon after you see signs of cold in you child rather than letting it aggravate and giving medicines.
Thanks to my friend Raji who shared this medicine with me.

1. Karpuravalli or omavalli leafs 2 Nos. Click here if you do not know what it is.
2.Tulsi leaves 4 to 5 nos.
3.Ajwain or Oman 1/2 tsp
4.Dry ginger/ sukku 1/2 tsp
5.Jeera  1/2 tsp
6.turmeric powder 1/2 tsp.
7.black pepper 1/2 tsp.
8.palm sugar

boil all the above ingredients in 250ml water and reduce it to half the volume.

Give this to your child twice a day and you can see improvement. My child usually responds well to this within a day and by 2 days he's fine.

You can give this medicine to your kid once a week to prevent cold attacks and to Improve immunity. Its a harmless county medicine and can be used safely.

Will update my post on medicine for stomach ailments.Need to check the recipe from mil 😬