Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Breastfeeding Myths to be busted

Breast milk is the best gift you can give your baby as soon as she is born. Here are the common myths about breastfeeding that you can break.

I don’t make enough milk

Our bodies are wonderfully designed to make the type and quantity of milk our baby needs. It all works on demand and supply principle. The more we feed, the more milk we make.
Lots of mums worry about the quantity of milk and lots more are pulled down by their families too.
There might to members of the family or even friends who say that the baby is hungry and you don’t make enough.
A new mother needs complete assurance from veteran mums and knowledgeable friends who can encourage them to breastfeed.
Discouragements make mums stressed and stress in turns affects milk supply.
Due to this reason lots of mums try to supplement with formula and this, in turn, leads to decreased milk supply.

I got to eat lots and lots

Many families have a culture that feeds breastfeeding mums with too much food. Our bodies need just that extra 500 calories to keep up your health.
This forceful feeding on new mums makes them resent breastfeeding.
The extra calories we consume is just to keep our health intact while breastfeeding and we make milk no matter how much we eat. Poor eating habits rarely reduces our milk supply but surely deteriorates the mother’s health.

Formula is healthier

The formula might be necessary in rare cases where the mother is unable to feed her baby due to health issues, but all healthy mums can surely feed their babies and need not supplement with formula.
Formula milk is nothing more than processed food that is fortified with nutrients artificially synthesised.
Nothing I more wholesome that your milk for the baby.

I may lose my looks

Breastfeeding mums who love to breastfeed bond very well with their babies and this in turns affect your overall mental health positively.
Lots of research and even experience says that beauty is tied with your attitude and happiness.
So be a beautiful breastfeeding mum.

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